Sunday 6 December 2015


I mentioned a week or so ago on my Instagram  - @rosalynwrites - that I've not posted on here (or there) for a couple of months due to the fact that my school life has taken over a lot of time, and blogging hasn't been a priority. 
This will happen quite a lot this year because I am in my final year of studying for my GCSEs, so I am frequently busy with exam revision, coursework and homework. Instead of explaining my absence every time I have a blogging break, I just thought it'd be easier if I were to write this post to inform you that it will be applicable throughout the year. That way, I can immediately begin blogging again, and not have to do a waffley apology post like this; they're probably really boring.

Anyway! I will be posting again tomorrow, most likely as a one off from my usual routine of Wednesday and Sunday - I'm not doing Blogmas, but I'm taking part in Emsi Rose's Collabmas this year. We're both doing different Christmas recipes, so look out for that tomorrow!



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