Sunday 30 August 2015

Blogging Birthday | #1

Image result for a year of blogging
image source: via google images

I'm writing this on Friday 28th August, which is the very day I set up my little blog a year ago. I was quite nervous to put it up, but now I can say it was one of the best things I have ever done! I've become part of a new community both via here and the Instagram I run for this blog; I've chatted to lots of new people that share many of the same interests I do, and it's so much fun.
I remember in the early days, feeling the pride and excitement that I had a follower that wasn't my mum. Now, I have a humble 76 followers (72 of them are from Bloglovin' and 4 are from Blogger), but hey, that's more than one a week! I hope to continue building my blog and number of readers in the future - to double what I have now for the 28th August 2016 would be amazing.

In not too many months time, I'm planning to redesign my blog which I can't wait for, and eventually I'd love to buy my domain name so I can fully own my little pocket of space on the internet. I think I may attempt Blogmas too this year... oo er it'll be a challenge posting everyday throughout Advent so don't hold me to it, but I'm going to try!

When I look back 12, 11, 10, all the way to 6 months ago, I can really see how much my blog has changed. My style of writing is different, and I'd like to hope it's less rambly! My photos are better and I now stick to a Wednesday and Sunday schedule. I used to go weeks without posting, and then upload seven in one go...

If all goes to plan, I may soon be starting a YouTube channel and post videos of a similar content to what I blog about. It'll be another way for me to interact with fellow bloggers/vloggers, and it should be a lot of fun! I'll keep you all posted on that one.

I really feel like my blog has come a long way in a year, and I'm so happy with what I post and just my general blog. So, it's only right that I say a big thank you to anyone who has followed my blog, commented on or supported my blog. This is a passion I don't see myself giving up any time soon.


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